Making College Affordable for Academically Motivated Students in Coastal
West Marin

scholars scholars Coastal Marin photo by Carlos Porrata scholars scholars

*Formerly The Inverness Garden Club Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the Inverness Garden Club Scholarship Fund (IGC Scholarship Fund) is to make college affordable for academically deserving, motivated students with financial need who reside in coastal West Marin. It strives to raise enough funds that its scholars can attend college and graduate without a heavy debt burden.

To be eligible for a scholarship, a student must (1) live in coastal West Marin (from Dillon Beach in the north to Muir Beach in the south) and/or be a student at, or recent graduate of, Tomales High School; and, (2) meet academic and financial need requirements.  Scholarship recipients are mentored throughout their undergraduate college careers by dedicated IGCSF student liaisons.

Scholarship awards typically range from $2,000 to $10,000. The awards are renewable for up to four years if scholars continue to meet the academic and enrollment requirements.

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Making College Affordable for Academically Motivated Students in Coastal
West Marin

*Formerly The Inverness Garden Club Scholarship Fund

scholars scholars Coastal Marin photo by Carlos Porrata scholars scholars


“I would not be where I am today in my college education without the support of the West Marin Scholarship Program. I thank you, again, for helping to make college a reality for me.”